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User Guide


Add Task

Supports 3 types of tasks: ToDos, Deadline, Event.

Update Task

Set task as done.

Delete Task

Delete task from list.

Find Task

Find task using keywords.

List Task

List all tasks in the list.

Remind Task

Get reminders on tasks expiring within 3 days.


todo [task description]

deadline [task description] /by [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm]

event [task description] /at [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm]

####### Example of usage:

event important meeting /at 16/03/2020 10:00

####### Expected outcome:

creates an event with description important meeting at the specified date and time 16 March 2020, 10am.

done [task number]

####### Example of usage:

done 3

####### Expected outcome:

Mark the third task on the list as done.

delete [task number]

####### Example of usage:

delete 3

####### Expected outcome:

Delete the third task on the list.

find [keyword]

####### Example of usage:

find meeting

####### Example of outcome:

A list of task which contains keyword “meeting”.


